AIxCC News (8-17-23)
Funded Track Solicitation Now Open through Sept. 19, 2023
As of yesterday, Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023, the Funding Track solicitation for small
businesses is now accepting proposals and will remain open until Sept. 19, 2023. Visit
Participate for details on eligibility requirements and how to submit a proposal. For
those who are unfamiliar with Small Business Innovation Research solicitations, we’ll soon
share a detailed explainer to help you prepare and submit your proposal.
Updated AIxCC Rules Email Address
Due to an IT issue, our [email protected] email address was not functioning
properly but it’s back up and running. You can use this address for rules-specific
questions as well as our general email, [email protected].
Coming Soon
AIxCC FAQs Section
We’ll add a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to our website. In the meantime,
you can send competition-related questions to [email protected]
Information Session With DARPA
We’re working on scheduling an information session with AIxCC program manager,
Perri Adams, in a live, virtual setting. We’ll share more info once we confirm the time
and place.
AIxCC Slack Discussion Channel
We’re creating a Slack channel for potential competitors to connect and discuss the
challenge and ideas for teaming, so stay tuned.
Aug. 9 AIxCC Announcement at Black Hat
Missed the original DARPA announcement? Watch it here on our YouTube:
P.S. Dafa wants to know if AI can do a better job writing code than it can writing
Please contact [email protected] or visit