AIxCC News (9-29-23)


Funded Track Proposals Due October 3, 2023 by 12:00 pm ET

October 3 is the deadline for small businesses to vie for one of the seven available Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards for the AIxCC. If you missed this opportunity or are not a small business, don’t fret! We’ll begin registration for our Open Track starting November 1. Visit for complete competition details and FAQs.

As a reminder, a step-by-step submission instruction document titled “HR0011SB20234-17 Phase II Technical Volume 2 Template” and a template for the SBIR Milestones are available, and can also be found here under SBIR/STTR BAA FORMS & TEMPLATES.

AIxCC Program Manager Speaking at IBM Security Summit, Nov. 8

AIxCC PM Perri Adams will speak on a panel at the IBM Summit on Nov. 8 in New York City. The theme of this year’s event is AI: Today’s Cybersecurity Battleground. Details about the event can be found at /ibmsecuritysummit2023.

Coming Soon: Information Session With DARPA

Later this year, we will host a virtual info session after the Open Track registration
begins. In the meantime, you can continue submitting questions via our website or by
emailing [email protected].



Please contact [email protected] or visit