After examining public feedback collected over the past few months, the AIxCC Organizers have made updates to the AIxCC Semifinals Competition (ASC). These revisions fulfill multiple objectives, all converging toward one goal: facilitating a fair, successful, and impactful ASC. The ASC Procedures and Scoring Guide below summarizes these changes and will serve as the authoritative source of ASC format and procedures. The Guide below does not supersede the AIxCC Rules, which can be found on the AIxCC website:

Additionally, the AIxCC Linux Exemplar Challenge Project (CP), which is structured based on the current CP specification, is publicly available at

Additional resources are available on the AIxCC Competitor Dashboard and are limited to verified AIxCC competitors.

Click here to reference the archived AIxCC Request for Commentswhich was live from December 13, 2023 through Jan. 15, 2024.

Scoring Algorithm & Exemplar Challenge preview (released dec 13, 2023)

Please note: The ASC Procedures and Scoring Guide is the authoritative documentation. Please refer to that document for the latest guidance.